Insurance Products
​Our main focus is to provide hospitals with ongoing access to fair and affordable Professional & General Liability coverage while protecting your facility and your reputation.
We offer additional products to help fill any gaps in coverage and to match healthcare's ever changing liability environment.
Our member's patients and the communities they serve are the most important aspect of our business. We strive to protect each hospital and the patients inside.
The Risk Management services provided to our membership improves quality care in each and every one of the facilities that make up Yellowstone Insurance Exchange, A Risk Retention Group.
Contact Us
Yellowstone Insurance Exchange, RRG
4235 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 300
Nashville, TN 37215

News & Publications
Welcome to the Newest Edition of Info on the Go.
This publication provides a wealth of information useful to hospitals and healthcare facilities. Members can click on the picture for access.
Professional Liability
General Liability
Excess & Umbrella Liability
Directors & Officers Liability
Medical Billing E&O
Privacy & Security Liability
Solo Strike Liability